Microsoft 365/Entra

Entra. Verified ID (2). Enable & Test (English)

Pepuri Ver.Eng 2024. 9. 20. 21:52

In this post, we will proceed with enabling and testing the Verified ID feature provided by Microsoft.


Entra Admin Center - Verified ID -> Overview -> Get Started




1. Get your new credential -> Try it now


Get my Verified ID


A QR Code is generated.


Run the Authenticator on mobile.


Verified ID -> Scan a QR code


Scan the QR code on the screen.





Completed the addition.


You can check the record by clicking the issued ID.


Clicking "2. Use your new credential -> Try it now" will take you to a page where you can test the Verified ID.


Access discounts


You can log in using a DID instead of account information. Verify my Employee Credential.


QR Code


When the camera recognizes the QR code, the Authenticator is launched through the URL.


When the camera recognizes the QR code, the Authenticator is launched through the URL.


Click "Share" to send the ID information.


Verification completed.


In the Activity section, you can check where your ID has been used.


The test page can be verified with a scenario where employee discounts are applied, as shown below.
