Microsoft Graph & IIS. (1) Setting up the basic testing environment.
When testing Exchange Online and M365, there are times when an environment related to Graph API is needed. In the past, I would have skipped anything related to development, but now ChatGPT can generate sample pages to some extent.
Without any prior development knowledge, I will build a test environment using the knowledge gained from ChatGPT, based on IIS. The ultimate goal is to integrate Microsoft Graph, and I will post about the necessary components along the way.
In this post, I will cover installing Visual Studio 2022 and configuring the IIS Server.
Step 1. Installing Visual Studio 2022
Download Visual Studio 2022
Run the installation file.
Check ASP.NET -> Install
Proceed with the installation.
Installation complete -> Verify by running the application.
Step 2. Setting up the IIS Server
I proceeded with the installation separately from the VM where Visual Studio is installed.
Server Manager -> Add roles and features
Check IIS
Check the following features:
URL Authorization
Windows Authentication
.NET Extensibility 4.8
.ASP.NET 4.8
WebSocket Protocol
After completing the IIS installation, install the necessary .NET components.
.NET Core Hosting Bundle installer
Install .Net SDK 8.0
Run PowerShell to check the installed version.
dotnet --list-sdks
dotnet --list-runtimes
In the next post, I will cover how to create an ASP.NET sample page in Visual Studio.