



I tried to create a Custom Connector to link something created in Azure AI Studio with Copilot Studio.

However, the technical documentation suggests navigating to Data -> Custom Connectors as shown on the screen, but I was unable to find it.

Create a custom connector from scratch | Microsoft Learn


I realized that, while this menu was easily visible in many older YouTube videos, it no longer exists now.

At first, I thought it might be because my license wasn't premium, but that wasn't the case.

After searching through some more recent YouTube videos, I was able to find it.




Power Automate -> More -> Discover all



In the Data section, click on Custom connectors or click the Pin icon to pin it for easy access.



You can now see the Custom connectors menu as shown on the screen.


This time, let's create a flow where a specific message entered into the chatbot is sent as a Teams notification to the person in charge.

With some modifications, you can create automated flows from the chatbot, such as sending emails.

In the existing Copilot, you can see that topics have default settings to trigger actions based on specific conditions.

Here, we will create a flow that sends a Teams notification to the person in charge when Escalate is triggered.






First, click Settings.



Security -> Authentication



Ensure that the authentication settings are configured as shown on the screen.

(If they are not set up, refer to the SSO setup video and complete the configuration.)



Topics -> Escalate -> Add Node



Call an action -> Create a flow



Add an action



Runtime -> Standard -> Microsoft Teams



Post message in a chat or channel



Select and enter the information as shown on the screen.



Change the flow name



Save draft






Manually -> Publish & Test



Receive messages from Workflows.



Return to the Copilot Studio page -> Click Done.



Add Node -> Call an action -> Escalation Case






Enter Escalate to run the test.



The permission configuration process is required. -> Connect









Confirm the status






The configured message is delivered, and



You can confirm that it has been delivered to Teams.


With this pattern, you can create various connection flows between M365 and other services using Power Automate.


When troubleshooting in M365, it's common for administrators to use PowerShell for the process.

However, it raises the question of whether this really needs to be done within Copilot Studio. Nonetheless, I decided to write about it since there are tasks that occasionally require PowerShell.


This was carried out with reference to the technical documentation below.

PowerShell support for Power Apps and Power Automate - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn





The steps were carried out on Windows 11.

Click the Start button -> Right-click -> Select Terminal (Admin).



Execute the following command:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted



If the following message appears, enter Y or A.


Since Power Apps and Power Automate are different areas, each requires a separate login.

Unlike Exchange Online, there is no need to enter separate connection commands. Simply enter the command you wish to use, and it will prompt you to provide your credentials.


Enter the following command to connect to Power Apps:




Enter the following command to connect to Power Automate:



In the future, if a PowerShell connection is needed for Copilot Studio, you can access and utilize it as required.


In the previous post, a new Copilot was published on the site.

2024.10.05 - [Copilot Studio] - Copilot Studio. Deploying Copilot to an IIS Site.


This time, I have written about how to configure Entra ID and SSO in cases where the organization requires that only authenticated users have access.

The following technical documentation was used as a reference.

Configure user authentication with Microsoft Entra ID - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn

Configure single sign-on with Microsoft Entra ID - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn



Entra Admin Center -> Applications -> App registrations -> New registration



After entering the App name, click Register (At this stage, the Redirect URI is optional. The URL below was created based on my test page.).



Navigate to Authentication.

Add the following URL mentioned in the technical documentation.




Check Access tokens and ID Tokens -> Click Save.



Certificates & secrets -> Client secrets -> New client secret



Input Description  -> Add



Save the Value in advance.



Go to Overview and save the Application ID information.



API permissions -> Add a permission -> Delegated permissions



Add the permissions offline_access, openid, and profile. -> Grant admin consent for Contoso



Go to Copilot Studio and navigate to the Settings menu of the Custom Copilot you want to modify the authentication for.



Security -> Authentication -> Authenticate manually



Select Require users to sign in -> Enter Client ID (App ID) and Client secret (Value) -> Click Save -> Click Publish.



A message indicating that a login is required will appear as shown below.


Access the Copilot web page in a separate browser -> Click Login -> Complete the Login process.


Copy the Validation Code provided after logging in.



Enter a message in the chat window to confirm that the authentication was successful.



Since login cannot be implemented directly in the chat, it seems that the authentication process is carried out using a separate validation code.



By configuring it this way, you can set up security so that only users with an account can access the Custom Copilot.


In the previous post, we created a Custom Copilot that answers questions by crawling specific sites.

2024.10.05 - [Copilot Studio] - Copilot Studio. Create New Copilot


In the last post, we deployed it to Teams. This time, it will publish it to an IIS site.

I am not a developer but an engineer. Please consider this as a guide to understand the overall process and flow.





Settings in the upper right corner.


Security -> Authentication


No authentication -> Save








Click Channels -> Demo website to verify if the deployed Copilot is functioning correctly on the web.


Ask a question to verify that it is functioning correctly.


Custom website


You will receive the embed code as shown below.


I have set up a test web server on an IIS server using Visual Studio as shown below. Now, let’s add the Copilot to it.


If you would like to build a test environment from scratch, please refer to the articles below.

2024.09.16 - [Microsoft 365/Graph & IIS] - Microsoft Graph & IIS. (1) Setting up the basic testing environment.

2024.09.16 - [Microsoft 365/Graph & IIS] - Microsoft Graph & IIS. (2) Publishing an ASP.NET Sample Page to IIS



I used Visual Studio as the development environment and added the following code to the Index.cshtml file.

<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
    <iframe src="CopilotURL"
            style="width: 500px; height: 500px;">


You can also run Copilot on a custom website as shown below.


Previous Post

2024.10.03 - [Copilot Studio] - Copilot Studio. How to check specific SharePoint folders


It took longer to write this post because the Copilot Studio page was not displaying in English.

From this experience, I learned a few things:


1. There is a difference between using English or not in Copilot Studio.

- Two-byte characters like Korean, in particular, could have an impact. It is recommended to test using English first and then check for differences in behavior when using the actual language of use.


2. The default region of Power Platform is important.
- Some regions do not support Copilot Studio. If you try to access
https://copilotstudio.microsoft.com from these regions, an error will occur. In this case, you need to create an environment in the Power Platform Admin Center.


Copilot Studio is constantly evolving and changing.

So what is true today might change tomorrow.

Let’s try creating a Copilot in Copilot Studio.

This Copilot is similar to what is commonly called a ChatBot. Some people even call it a "Custom Copilot."

The post was created with reference to the materials below.

Quickstart: Create and deploy a copilot - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn





Copilot Studio can be accessed at https://copilotstudio.microsoft.com.


Create -> New copilot


The screen below does not appear in certain languages. I will discuss the impact of the input here in a future post. For now, click Skip to configure.


It is recommended to set the default language to English. I plan to create a Copilot that responds based on the content from the MS Learn site.

After entering the information as shown below, click Add knowledge.


Public websites


Add https://learn.microsoft.com.






Enter a question in the Copilot test chat window on the right to verify that the response is accurate.


You can see that the responses reference content from the MS Learn site.


Settings in the upper right corner.


You can select generative AI responses from the Generative AI menu. This menu is also only available in certain languages.




I will deploy it so that users can use it in Teams.

Channels at the top -> Microsoft Teams


When you click Open, it will run directly in Teams. If you click Availability options,


You can choose sharing or deployment options.


Click Open in the previous menu to run Copilot in Teams. Select Add or Open.


Ask the Copilot ChatBot questions just like you did during the test.


So, what’s the advantage of using it this way? You might have this question.

The benefit is that you can receive precise answers based on the content of a specific site. BizChat generates fairly good responses. However, since it provides answers based on the Bing engine and references various sources like Wiki and blogs, its accuracy can be lower.


When specifying a SharePoint URL in Copilot Studio, there may be cases where you need to designate only a specific folder.


However, the URL structure in a specific folder may be complicated, making it difficult to designate.


Although it's not specific to Copilot Studio, you can refer to the document below for guidance.

Configure Copilot to use specific SharePoint folders | Microsoft Learn


Check the folder -> Click Open the Details pane at the top.


Path -> Copy direct link


Copy and paste directly in Copilot Studio -> Click Add.


Path successfully added.


Even if the user language is set to English, the Power Platform Admin Center and Copilot Studio pages may not be displayed in English.


I couldn't find any official Microsoft documentation to change this to English.

From the comments on the post below, I found that it is affected by the browser's language settings.

Change language settings in Power platform admin center - Microsoft Community Hub


I will explain based on the Edge browser.







Go to Settings in the Edge browser.


Add the language you want to set in the Language section -> Click the More Options button.


Click Display Microsoft Edge in this language. If it is grayed out, click Move to the top.


After restarting the browser, the display language will be changed.


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