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2024.09.16 - [Microsoft 365/Graph & IIS] - Microsoft Graph & IIS. (1) Setting up the basic testing environment.


In this post, we will cover the process of publishing an ASP.NET Sample Page to IIS. Since most Microsoft solutions are based on ASP.NET, I thought this would be a necessary step before testing Graph.





Launch Visual Studio.


File -> New -> Project


ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller) -> Next




Verify that the Framework is set to .NET 8.0 -> Click "Create" (You will need to install the Runtime and SDK version 8.0 on IIS to match this setting.)


Solution Explorer -> Controllers -> Add -> Controller


MVC Controller - Empty -> Add


Name the controller as HelloWorldController. -> Add



Right-Click on Views -> Add -> New Folder


Name it HelloWorld.


Right-click on HelloWorld.-> Add -> New Item


If the following options appear, select Show All Templates.


Razor View - Empty -> Confirm the name as Index.cshtml. -> Add


Verify that it has been created under the HelloWorld folder.


다음과 같이 입력합니다.

ViewData["Title"] = "Index";

<p>Hello from the HelloWorld view!</p>


Debug -> Start Debugging


If any messages related to SSL certificates appear, click "Yes" for all of them.








The sample page is now accessible in Edge.


When you access /HelloWorld, it is displayed as follows:


Now, let's proceed with creating the sample page as a site in IIS.

Build -> Publish [Project Name]


Web Server (IIS) -> Next


Web Deploy Package -> Next


Specify the location. -> Site name 지정 -> Finish


Click Publish.


It will be generated as shown below. Now, copy the files to the IIS server.


After copying, extract the files.


After extracting, move the files to a subfolder as shown below -> Copy the folder and files to the root directory (C:\Sample).


Copy completed.


Launch IIS Manager.


Sites -> Add Website


Proceed with the creation process as shown below. (For the certificate, specify the one that was previously created.)


Confirm that the creation is successful.


Application Pools -> Double-click on **Sample**.


.NET CLR version -> Change the setting to **No Managed Code**.




Access localhost to verify the setup.


Once DNS registration and certificate binding are completed, test the published URL.


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